Od 4. listopadu do 31. prosince 2024 se mohou účastníci („Vy“, „Váš“, podle okolností) přihlásit do akce MSI „Ultra Connect to New ERA Steam Code“ („Akce“) - do vyčerpání zásob. Chcete-li se zúčastnit, musíte provést následující kroky:
- Za předpokladu úplného dodržení těchto podmínek („Podmínky“) zakoupíte jeden (1) způsobilý produkt (viz níže uvedené tabulky způsobilých modelů).
- Účastníci se mohou zaregistrovat a provést maximálně tři (3) odkupy za každý zakoupený způsobilý výrobek a maximálně tři (3) odkupy celkem na domácnost. Všechny registrace a odkupy musí být provedeny v období od 4. listopadu 2024 do 14. ledna 2025. Registrace do akce bude automaticky ukončena, pokud akce skončí dříve z důvodu vyčerpání zásob.
- Přejděte na stránku pro registraci produktu a zaregistrujte svůj způsobilý produkt a akci „Ultra Connect to New ERA Steam Code“. Pokud jste se dosud neregistrovali, musíte si na adrese https://account.msi.com/login založit nový členský účet MSI. Registrace akce bude automaticky ukončena, pokud akce skončí dříve z důvodu vyčerpání zásob - budete na to upozorněni při pokusu o registraci.
- Poskytněte kopii dokladu o nákupu k ověření MSI. Na faktuře musí být uveden model výrobku, datum faktury a název obchodu/prodejce.
Datum fakturace základní desky řady X870(E) lze akceptovat v období od 26. září do 31. prosince 2024.
Datum faktury základní desky řady Z890 lze přijmout v období od 10. října do 31. prosince 2024.
Datum fakturace kapalinového chlazení a počítačové skříně musí být mezi 4. listopadem a 31. prosincem 2024.
Dále je třeba přiložit fotografii štítku se sériovým číslem na výrobku, na kterém je jasně vidět sériové číslo (fotografie sériového čísla základní desky, chladiče kapaliny, počítačové skříně musí být pořízena přímo z výrobku; fotografie barevné krabice nebude akceptována). - Souhlas s podmínkami akce a vyčkejte na kontrolu ze strany MSI. Pokud společnost MSI zjistí, že splňujete všechna kritéria způsobilosti, bude vám na vaši registrovanou e-mailovou adresu zaslán příslušný parní kód (viz níže). Ověření může trvat až 14 pracovních dnů. Neúplné registrační informace o Události mohou mít za následek dodatečnou dobu zpracování až čtrnáct (14) pracovních dnů, pokud budete muset poskytnout další informace. Společnost MSI si vyhrazuje právo ověřit, schválit nebo odmítnout podání podle vlastního uvážení, pokud je registrace Události neúplná, nebyla poskytnuta do sedmi (7) dnů od žádosti společnosti MSI nebo byla poskytnuta po uplynutí doby registrace Události.
- Pokud registrovaný produkt MSI vracíte nebo vracíte peníze, musíte to písemně oznámit společnosti MSI a žádost o propagační akci bude bez dalšího automaticky zrušena. Společnost MSI si vyhrazuje právo požádat žadatele o vrácení výkupních položek získaných z vrácených nebo refundovaných produktů do čtrnácti (14) dnů od registrace akce.
- Pokud uplatníte nárok na kód steam a vrátíte produkt MSI, aniž byste o tom informovali společnost MSI, váš účet MSI nebude v budoucnu způsobilý k účasti na žádné akci s kódem steam.
- Všechny kódy jsou nepřenosné a nelze je vyměnit za peněžní alternativy. Pokud se kód stane nedostupným v důsledku okolností, které společnost MSI nemůže ovlivnit, může společnost MSI podle vlastního uvážení upravit výkupní položku nahrazením kódu jiným produktem stejné hodnoty. Příslušný(é) kód(y) pro službu Steam musí být uplatněn(y) prostřednictvím webových stránek služby Steam do 31. prosince 2025. Pokud se Vám nepodaří uplatnit steam kód před uvedenou lhůtou, kontaktujte prosím zákaznický servis MSI.
Vybrané produkty
Základní desky Steam kód (USD) MEG Z890 GODLIKE 100 MEG Z890 ACE 70 MEG Z890 UNIFY-X MPG Z890 CARBON WIFI 50 MPG Z890 EDGE TI WIFI MPG Z890I EDGE TI WIFI MAG Z890 TOMAHAWK WIFI 30 Z890 GAMING PLUS WIFI 20 PRO Z890-A WIFI PRO Z890-P WIFI MEG X870E GODLIKE 100 MPG X870E CARBON WIFI 50 MAG X870 TOMAHAWK WIFI 30 X870 GAMING PLUS WIFI 20 PRO X870-P WIFI Kapalinové chlazení Steam kód (USD) MAG CORELIQUID I360 20 MAG CORELIQUID I360 WHITE PC Skříň Steam kód (USD) MAG PANO 100L PZ 20 MAG PANO 100L PZ WHITE MAG PANO 100R PZ MAG PANO 100R PZ WHITE - Eligible Regions: Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Spain, Portugal, France, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Réunion, Mayotte, Algeria, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Morocco, Mauritania, Sudan, Tunisia, Italy, Malta, San Marino, Vatican City, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Slovenia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, United States, Canada, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, República Dominicana, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú, Puerto rico, Paraguay, El Salvador, Uruguay, Guatemala, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Israel, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt.
- This Event is only for eligible end-user consumers and not businesses. MSI, MSI affiliates, subsidiary, manufacturer, business partner, distributor, wholesaler, reseller, retailer, I-Cafe, or agency employees and their immediate families are not eligible to participate in this Event.
- MSI retains the right to make adjustments of these terms without prior notice subject to any directions from a regulatory authority.
- Participants must be at least 18 years old. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.
- Automated or robotic entries submitted by individuals or organizations will be disqualified. Entry must be made by the participant. Any attempt by a participant to obtain more than the stated number of entries by using multiple/different email addresses, identities, registrations, logins or any other methods will void that participant's entry and may result in immediate disqualification.
We may ask You for information during the Event enrolment and product registration process that may, as applicable, include without limitation Your email, name, product serial number, redemption code, purchase information, and other voluntary information You provide. In addition, we may indirectly gather information from you via cookies or website embedded analytics. The information we collect will be used in the following manner: to run this Event, to verify Your eligibility, to contact You if needed, to ensure prize(s) can be sent to You, to store registered product data for as long as an ongoing relationship exists between us (eg. When You use our services such as warranty, eDM notices, etc.), and to use solely for internal market studies for developing better products and services. Your information will not be shared with third parties, except: i) to third party processors such as our internet service and website providers in order for us to execute this Event; or ii) when reporting or responding to actual or suspected breach of applicable laws to legal and regulatory authorities such as courts or the police to the extent needed.
Because of the international nature of our business, we transfer information within the MSI group, and to third parties as referenced above, in connection with the purpose set forth in these terms and conditions. Therefore, we may transfer information to countries that may have different laws and data protection compliance requirements that those applicable in the country You are located.
Further details of how Your information may be used and processed are detailed in MSI’s privacy policy, available at https://www.msi.com/page/privacy-policy. The MSI Privacy Policy constitutes a part of this Terms and Conditions, and is hereby incorporated by reference with full force and effect.
You may be asked to join MSI’s eDM emailing list to receive MSI product news or service updates. If you do not want to subscribe to this list, please do not check the subscribe or similarly titled check box.
For any material You may provide to us for this Event, including without limitations, pictures, videos, reviews, content, comment, feedback, and written material, as applicable (collectively, “Submitted Materials”), You hereby grant MSI and its worldwide subsidiaries a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid up, worldwide, sublicensable license to use, reproduce, copy, distribute, create derivative works of, publicly display and perform, and otherwise use or exploit the Submitted Materials in any legal manner reasonably determined by MSI and subject to MSI’s Privacy Policy.
- The information You have provided is accurate and true;
- You have the full authority, capacity, power, and right to enroll in this Event, and make the required license grant, representation, and warranties under this Terms and Conditions;
- You have obtained and will maintain all applicable approval, consent, permissions, licenses, and waivers necessary to grant the licenses stated above to MSI and its subsidiaries; and
- You have complied with all applicable laws in enrolling in this Event.
You shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless MSI, its affiliates, and successors, assigns, directors, and agents, from and against any and all liabilities, damages, judgments, costs, expenses, and fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees) resulting from any claims, investigations, litigation, or other legal or administrative action by third parties arising out of or relating to any actual or alleged breach by You of any representations, warranties, undertakings in this Terms and Conditions
- MSI reserves the sole and discretionary right:
- to determine, on a final and conclusive basis, whether a participant has fulfilled the Event requirements in good faith. For illustrative purpose without limiting any other terms, MSI may disqualify participants: a) if Event enrolment or product registration is incomplete, b) if Event eligibility requirements such as applicable product line or regional restrictions are not met; c) if the provided documents are forged, fraudulent, or void; d) if automated codes, scripts, plugins or other means were used to enter or complete Event enrolment; e) if participant does not have the legal capacity to enroll in this Event, or f) if criminal or illegal acts are committed or allegedly committed to enroll in this Event;
- to replace the prize with items of similar value without prior notice;
- to vary, delete or add to any of these terms and conditions without prior notice;
- MSI is not liable and assumes no liability to any person for any loss, dissatisfaction, or damage arising from the prize, and uses thereof. Winners shall not make any claims against MSI;
- MSI disclaims all liability for any delays, misdelivery, loss, or failure in the delivery of the winning notification due to mechanical, technical, electronic, communications, telephone, computer, hardware, internet, or software errors, malfunctions, or failures of any kind. In such eventuality, the winner unconditionally waives his/her right to the prize and any associated compensation.
This Terms and Conditions is governed and construed by the laws of Taiwan, regardless of conflict of law principles, and all disputes arising from the Event and these terms shall be adjudicated by the Taipei District Court in Taipei, Taiwan. Any provision invalidated by a competent court shall be stricken, and the remaining Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect. Failure by MSI to enforce any right under this Terms and Condition shall not be deemed to be a waiver. MSI shall not be liable for any failure to perform due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control. This Terms and Conditions shall not be assigned or otherwise transferred by You to any other third party; all unauthorized assignments are null and void. This Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Event, and supersede any prior agreements, communications, representations, or discussions, oral or otherwise.
□ I fully understand the contents of the Terms and Conditions and agree to them.
□ I agree MSI may collect, use and process my personal data for marketing purposes and in accordance with the terms of MSI Privacy Policy https://www.msi.com/page/privacy-policy.